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flag iris การใช้

  • Once full of elephant ears, it now overflows with yellow and blue flag iris.
  • Refi says, such as river birches, dwarf Southern magnolia, serviceberry and yellow flag iris.
  • The marsh vegetation includes Yellow Flag Iris, Ragged Robin, Marsh Marigold and Southern Marsh Orchid.
  • These include yarrow, thistle, sheep laurel, wild mint, goldenrod and the showy Blue Flag Iris.
  • Plants such as " Angelica ", great willowherb, yellow flag iris are all common to the area.
  • And the shoreline is now softened by water-loving plants like cattail, flag iris, cardinal flower and Joe Pyeweed.
  • Other species present include a variety of gulls, yellow flag iris and celandine grow abundantly and grey seals are regularly seen by the landing cove.
  • In the south is the old course of the River Wandle, which in now dry most of the time, but still has yellow flag iris.
  • It's hard to believe much can grow in such rocky terrain, but we spotted all sorts of wildflowers including wood sorrel and blue flag iris.
  • Maurea Islands, just south of Rangiriri were subject to a restoration trial to test comparative weed treatments, the main weeds being alder and yellow flag iris.
  • If the sight of blooming lupines and blue flag irises appeals, even if it's cooler, mid-to late June would be the time to go.
  • Among them are elegant wildflowers like the slender blue flag iris, handsome trees like the wonderfully aromatic sweetbay magnolia and the fantastical thread-leaved sundew, a carnivorous plant.
  • The Madonna lily is often described as being the basis of the fleur de lis, though the shape of this stylised flower more strongly resembles that of a flag iris.
  • Ness and others record that the'Seggan'grew at Corsehillmuir, known also as the'Messenger of the Gods', better known to us as the Yellow flag Iris.
  • There is a small island located in the western half of the lake, it is dominated by flag iris and hence provides some shelter from both the elements and predators for young and nesting birds.
  • Bog perennials and water plants-- water lilies and mountain buttercup and Japanese flag iris-- in the pond garden and the wet valley add to the sense that you are somewhere in South America.
  • Several different species of plant were used, including white flag iris, blue flax lily, rush and sag, some of which are still used by contemporary basket makers, and sometimes shells are added for ornamental expression.
  • It is has several common names, including'Beachhead Iris'( because it is tolerant of salt air or maritime conditions, encountered in rocky ground above shorelines, especially known as this in Canada ),'Wild flag iris " Alaska iris " Arctic blue flag '.
  • Aspen ( Populus tremula ) is the most notable species present, however the presence of Broad-leafed Helleborine ( Epipactis helleborine ) indicates a woodland containg many mature deciduous trees of some habitat value, together with wet flushes containing yellow flag iris, soft rush, lesser spearwort and golden saxifrage.